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Assuming you mean a straight line, then:

The slope of the line gives you the change in Y for every change in X.

So if the known point (Xo, Yo) and then the point (Xo + 1, Yo + gradient) are plotted, those points can be joined by a straight line which can be extended in both directions to draw the graph of the line.

Alternatively, still assuming a straight line, if it goes through point (Xo, Yo) with gradient m, then the equation of the line is:

y - Yo = m(x - Xo)

⇒ y = mx + (Yo - mXo)

and then the equation can be drawn by selecting a couple of values of x and calculating their y value, plotting the points and joining them as above.

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Q: How can you graph a line if you are given the slope and a point on the line?
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For example, if the slope at a certain point is 1.5, you can draw a line that goes through the specified point, with that slope. The line would represent the slope at that point. If you want to graph the slope at ALL POINTS, take the derivative of the function, and graph the derivative. The derivative shows the slope of a function at all points.

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