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Q: How can you identify the accurate data that's obtain?
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In an experiment why is it better to collect as much data possible?

It is better to obtain as much data possible in order to be as accurate as one can be.

Why do you need to collect more data to obtain reliable data?

The more data you have, the more accurate your information. If you have a large amount of evidence of one result, it makes it look correct.

What is accurate data?

Accurate data is information that is correct.

Making measurements is not involved in gathering data.?

On the contrary, making measurements is an essential aspect of gathering data. Measurements provide quantitative information that allows for the collection and analysis of data. Without accurate measurements, it is difficult to obtain reliable data for decision-making or research purposes.

What is involved in collecting data?

Collecting data involves identifying the relevant information needed, designing a data collection method (like surveys, interviews, or observations), gathering the data using the chosen method, and storing the data in a structured format. It is important to ensure data collection is done systematically and ethically to obtain accurate and reliable data for analysis.

Deferent betbeen data and information with suitable examples?

data is not accurate.. where information is so accurate

Is group data more accurate than ungroup data?

i think ungroup data is more accurate because we count each value. while, in group data there is interval

How is data from an experiment are analyzed?

Why is it important to have an accurate data in a experiment?

Why are graphs helpful for displaying data?

They help you identify patterns in the data.

What means the data contained in a database is accurate and reliable?

data integrity

What Means that the data contained in a database is accurate and reliable?

data integrity

How would you explain the outliers in chemistry?

In chemistry, outliers are data points that deviate significantly from the rest of the data set. Outliers can result from measurement errors, experimental uncertainties, or unexpected reactions. It is important to identify and address outliers in data analysis to ensure accurate and reliable results.