

What is extraneous data mean?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What is extraneous data mean?
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What is extraneous data?

Extraneous data is that which is not relevant to the specific question or area being considered/analysed.So, for example, let us imagine you had collected data on all the boys and girls in your class at school. Now let us suppose that you wished to analyse all the data on the boys only.As you are now only interested in the data relating to the boys, then the data relating to the girls is extraneous for this purpose.

What is the definition and example extraneous data?

Data that is'nt related to the question or analysis in hand.

What is extraneous information?

Extraneous information refers to details or data that are not necessary or relevant to the main topic or purpose of a discussion, experiment, or document. It can create confusion or distract from the key points being communicated. It is important to identify and remove extraneous information to maintain clarity and focus.

What is another word for not needed?

extraneous " not pertinent; irrelevant: an extraneous remark; extraneous decoration."

A sentence with the word extraneous?

During the long, boring lecture, most people agreed that much of the information was extraneous.

What is the definition of extraneous?

Extraneous means 'coming from the outside'.

What does extraneous mean What must you do to determine whether a solution is an extraneous solution?

Extraneous means extra and unnecessary. Extraneous solutions are values that can arise from the process of solving the equation but do not in fact satisfy the initial equation. These solutions occur most often when not all parts of the process of solving are not completely reversible - for example, if both sides of the equation are squared at some point.

How can extraneous be used in a sentence?

Some books have so much extraneous data in them they are hard to read. Extraneous means something coming from the outside, such as source material. It can also mean irrelevant as: Why do bicycle instructions have instructions for doll houses? Doll house assembly has nothing to do with bicycles. It also means not a vital part of a discussion, argument, story etc. Example: General Grant was called to Washington after the victory at Vicksburg. On the way he picked some flowers and ate chocolate. He was going to meet with Lincoln to discuss the war. The second sentence has no bearing on why Grant was going to Washington.

Why you use current source in data transmission?

A: The main advantage for a current source transmission is low source impedance. extraneous voltage influence is reduced by that characteristic.

How do you use the word extraneous in a sentence?

The crowd's not entirely silent, but there's not too much extraneous talking.

Extraneous in a sentence?

One handy way to dodge a difficult question is to earnestly begin talking about something extraneous to it.

Is one solution to a real-world problem involving a quadratic equation always extraneous?

No. Sometimes they are both extraneous.