Logarithms as used in calculations don't "have" fractions since they are generally written as decimal numbers. But if you must have fractions, convert the fraction to a decimal and then look up the log of that. Or look up the log of the top and subtract the log of the bottom to get the log of what it stands for. Dividing a log by 2 gives the log of the square root of the number belonging to the original log. If you want the log of 13 1/2 (thirteen and a half) this is the log of 13.5 so you look up the log of 1.35 and add on 1
There are a multitude of different stores where an electric log splitter can be bought. Among the places where one can purchase an electric log splitter are Lowe's, Sears, and Home Depot for all log splitting needs.
log(2) + log(4) = log(2x)log(2 times 4) = log(2x)2 times 4 = 2 times 'x'x = 4
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The Yule Log
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Aiken Log Homes is a South Carolina-based log builder.
Ideas for architectural plans for log homes can be found online, at brick and mortar stores or at home shows. Place like Real Log Homes, Natural Log Homes and Wisconsin Log Home offer plans for log homes.
You can purchase log home kits online from the Golden Eagle Log Homes website. Once on the website, select the package you are interested in to get pricing options.
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Like traditional construction, there are many factors that contribute to the finished cost of a log home. One very important factor is the type of log used for construction. Hand crafted log homes are going to be considerably more expensive than milled log homes (the more uniform, Lincoln log look). A milled log home would be more closely comparable to traditional construction. The interior finishings, just as in traditional construction, will also greatly impact the cost of a log home. All in all, I would generally say the cost of the average log home, would be slightly greater than that of a traditionally constructed home.
There are companies specializing in assisting individuals construct log homes, such as Backwoods Home and Barna Great Lakes. Log homes can be bought pre-assembled. Some websites such as Twin Creeks Log Homes do sell logs and log siding as well.