Logarithms as used in calculations don't "have" fractions since they are generally written as decimal numbers. But if you must have fractions, convert the fraction to a decimal and then look up the log of that. Or look up the log of the top and subtract the log of the bottom to get the log of what it stands for. Dividing a log by 2 gives the log of the square root of the number belonging to the original log. If you want the log of 13 1/2 (thirteen and a half) this is the log of 13.5 so you look up the log of 1.35 and add on 1
common logarithms, natural logarithms, monatary calculations, etc.
You cannot solve fractions. There may be sums or products containing fractions or equations that can be solved. But fractions themselves cannot.
You cannot solve proper fractions. You may be able to solve problems involving fractions but that is NOT the same thing. Furthermore, the solution methods depend on the problem.
you should include the definition of logarithms how to solve logarithmic equations how they are used in applications of math and everyday life how to graph logarithms explain how logarithms are the inverses of exponential how to graph exponentials importance of exponential functions(growth and decay ex.) pandemics, population)
common logarithms, natural logarithms, monatary calculations, etc.
You cannot solve fractions. There may be sums or products containing fractions or equations that can be solved. But fractions themselves cannot.
You cannot solve proper fractions. You may be able to solve problems involving fractions but that is NOT the same thing. Furthermore, the solution methods depend on the problem.
you should include the definition of logarithms how to solve logarithmic equations how they are used in applications of math and everyday life how to graph logarithms explain how logarithms are the inverses of exponential how to graph exponentials importance of exponential functions(growth and decay ex.) pandemics, population)
You cannot solve a fraction. You can solve a question about fractions, you can carry out basic operations with fractions, convert them from one form to another but none of these is "solving" them.
Not necessarily, but often it is simpler to convert fractions into decimals to solve the equation.
the graphs have fractions on the y axis
You solve it just like they are proper fractions
That depends what kind of calculation you want to do with the fractions.
You can eliminate the fractions before proceeding to solve the equation to allow for easy factorization.
Assuming you want to get rid of the fractions, you can multiply both sides of the equations by the greatest common factor of the fractions. Then you can solve the equation normally.