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add the number how many times it says

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Q: How can you multiply two numbers without using sign?
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How you multiply 2 minus numbers?

You multiply them like two normal numbers and the negative sign cancels them both out.

How do you multiply three integers if they have the same sign?

The product has the same sign as the numbers.

What is the sign of of the product when you multiply unlike numbers?

It is negative.

What sign do you get when you multiply two negative numbers?

A positive.

How do i multiply integers with different signs?

Just multiply without the sign. Then add a minus sign to the result.

What are the basic rules for multiplying and dividing sign numbers?

Temporarily ignore the signs and multiply or divide as usualIf signs of the two numbers to be multiplied or divided, add + sign to your answer. If signs are different, add - ( minus) to your answer.+ signs are optional-- a number without a sign is assumed to be positive.

Why can't you square root a negative number?

Whenever you multiply two numbers, if they have the same sign, then the answer is positive.When you multiply a number by itself, both numbers in the multiplication obviously have the same sign,so the answer is positive.So there's no number that gives a negative answer when you multiply it by itself.

How do multiply a negative fraction time a positive fraction?

Multiply the numbers ignoring the signs and then add a negative sign.

How do you make numbers in to a percent?

Multiply the number by 100 and add a percentage sign.

How do you multiply a negative number by a negative number?

multiply the numbers together and the sign is positive , as a negative times a negative is a positive

When a sign is not written between two numbers how do you calculate that?

If there are parentheses around the numbers (two parentheses for each number) multiply them.

What do you think the sign of the product will be when you multiply an odd number of negative numbers?

I think the product will be negative.