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You can prove a fact is true by looking it up on several internet sites or a book. When looking up a fact make sure that the source you are using is reputable and well versed in the subject you are looking for. It is also a good idea to cross-reference the fact on several sites.

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Q: How can you prove when a fact is true?
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How do you prove a fact?

if it's true

A proposition of is a proposition in which the speaker tries to prove something is true or false.?


What is the definition of fact?

A true statementSomething that can be proven with evidence.Ex: "The earth is round" they used to think it wasnt, but pictures from space prove that its true, so its a fact, and the pictures would be evidence.

How does science prove something is true?

You create a theory. Prove the theory to be true by testing it. If it works, it is true. If it does not work, it is not true.

How they can prove that constellation is true?

What do you mean prove that they are true? There's no true or false - they are simply there in the sky, imaginary figures.

Do bald eagles usually lay or two eggs at a time fact or opinion?

Look at the question. If you can prove it to be true it is a fact. If you THINK it that makes it an opinion. The normal clutch is two eggs for this species, and that is a proven scientific fact.

How do you spell prove?

That is the correct spelling of the verb "prove" (establish as fact).

How do you prove a conjecture is false?

Prove that if it were true then there must be a contradiction.

How much evidence do you need to prove infidelity in North Carolina?

You need one piece of (true and verifiable) evidence. Infidelity does not depend on a sliding scale. Suspicions do not count as far as the law is concerned. If you cannot prove it, then it is not a fact, it is an opinion.

How can you prove that God is true?

you can't, but you can't prove a negative either.

In math what one thing do you need to prove a statement is false?

To prove a statement false, you need ONE example of when it is not true.To prove it true, you need to show it is ALWAYS true.

Can data prove true?
