In words, you can read that as "zero point one five".
They are called palindromes.
Twenty-three thousand, eight hundred forty-two.
The address of the Disputanta Station Library is: 10010 County Drive, Disputanta, 23842 M
The address of the Burrowsville Branch Library is: 1807 James River Drive, Disputanta, 23842 M
300 words can be read in three minutes.
If you mean the string of digits, they are two, three, eight, four, two. If it represents one number, it is twenty-three thousand, eight hundred forty-two.
A first grade student isn't tested on the number of words read a minute. They are tested on how many words that they read correctly on a page.
so you can read them. if there were no words then how would we read it?actually, Special:Contributions, some books are totally pictures.
You you can read it properlyLong sentences are almost impossible to read unless the words are separated.Example:Longsentencesarealmostimpossibletoreadunlessthewordsareseparated.
There are words these words are like secret symbols so if you want to read music you should know them.