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You can start near the South Pole - 3 miles North of any point on a latitude that encircles the earth an integer number of times in 3 miles; or you can start at the North Pole.

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Q: How can you travel 3 miles south and then 3 miles east and then 3 miles north and be at your starting place?
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How do you get your answer to this problem i left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles turned east and hiked for 3 miles then turned north and hiked for 3 miles atwhichtimeicameuponabeareatingmyfo?

The bear's color is white, because it's a Polar Bear. -- Since you came upon the bear eating your food, you must have arrived back at your campsite. -- There's only one place on earth from which you can walk 3 miles south, followed by 3 miles east, followed by 3 miles north, and arrive back at the starting point. That's the north Pole.

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because thay wanted to live somewhere were they can survive and there is more land

How many miles is it from Louisiana to the North Pole?

Louisiana is a big place. To the the north pole, it's 4,144 miles from the control tower at Louis Armstrong Airport in New Orleans, but only 3,969 miles from the Government Plaza in Shreveport.