

Best Answer

0.235 * 0.6891

= 0.1619385

What's to estimate?

The total decimal places in the multiplicands is the total in the answer.

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Q: How can you use an estimate to help you place the decimal point in multiplying decimals?
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When multipling decimals why does the decimal move one place to the right?

It depends on what numbers you are multiplying and how many decimals places they each have. It doesn't always haveto move to the right.

Where do you place the decimal in the answer when multiplying decimals?

If two decimal number have X and Y decimal places, respectively, then the raw product (before removing any trailing zeros) of the two numbers will have (X + Y) decimal places.

What is similar about when you multiply decimals and divide decimals by a power of ten?

Both multiplication and division can be performed simply by moving the decimal point of the number: to the right if multiplying, to the left if dividing. E.g. for 10, you can move the decimal point by one place to perform the operation. Multiplication by 10: move decimal one place to the right (add zero if already a whole number). Division by 10: move decimal point one place to the left (one place in if a whole number).

Where is the ones in decimals?

In decimal fractions, the ones place is located one decimal place to the left of the decimal point.For example, in the decimal fraction 3.14, the number three is located in the ones place.

5.8 multiplied by 8.7?

When you are multiplying two numbers with decimals, it's easy to do.First, multiply the numbers as if there were not decimals there:~5.8x8.7____~406464_____5046... then, count the number of places for the decimal points, and add them together. 5.8 = 1 decimal place, 8.7 = 1 decimal place, the two added together are 2 decimal places. So your answer, 5046 needs to have two decimal places; or 50.46(I'm sorry, I had to use a ~ to keep spacing correct... I'm having problems pushing a nbsp into the code... lol)

Related questions

What is the difference between multiplying decimals and multiplying whole numbers?

You do the multiplication in exactly the same way. The only extra thing is that when multiplying decimals, you need to place the decimal point (or decimal comma - depending on your country) in the correct position. If one number has, for example, 3 digits after the decimal point, and the other 4, you need to place the decimal point in the result (BEFORE eliminating unnecessary zeros) in such a way that there are, in this example, 7 digits (3 + 4) to the right of the decimal point.

When multiplying decimals how do you determine where to place the decimal in the answer?

If the two multiplicands have X and Y digits after the decimal place then their product (before removing any trailing 0s) has (X+Y) digits after the decimal point.

When multipling decimals why does the decimal move one place to the right?

It depends on what numbers you are multiplying and how many decimals places they each have. It doesn't always haveto move to the right.

Where do you place the decimal in the answer when multiplying decimals?

If two decimal number have X and Y decimal places, respectively, then the raw product (before removing any trailing zeros) of the two numbers will have (X + Y) decimal places.

What is similar about when you multiply decimals and divide decimals by a power of ten?

Both multiplication and division can be performed simply by moving the decimal point of the number: to the right if multiplying, to the left if dividing. E.g. for 10, you can move the decimal point by one place to perform the operation. Multiplication by 10: move decimal one place to the right (add zero if already a whole number). Division by 10: move decimal point one place to the left (one place in if a whole number).

Why is estimating important when dividing with decimals?

Using an estimate ensures that the answer is about right. With decimals where the decimal point should go is difficult for a lot of people, so an estimate of the answer ensures that it is put in the right place.

When multiplying decimals with whole numbers do you line up the whole numbers?

Hey awesome Question. The answer is no you do not have to line up the decimals when multyping only when adding and subtracting. The main thing is when you multiply make sure you put the decimal in the right place in your answer. YOu count how may places their are behind the decimals in BOTH numbers then you make sure their are that many places behind the decimal in you answer. :)

How many decimals places is in a million?

6 decimal place

How can estimating quotient help you to place the decimal correctly?

If you have no clue about how decimals work then getting an estimate for the answer gives you an order of magnitude which can help in placing the decimal. But if you are even a bit clued up, estimating will not be necessary.

5.8 multiplied by 8.7?

When you are multiplying two numbers with decimals, it's easy to do.First, multiply the numbers as if there were not decimals there:~5.8x8.7____~406464_____5046... then, count the number of places for the decimal points, and add them together. 5.8 = 1 decimal place, 8.7 = 1 decimal place, the two added together are 2 decimal places. So your answer, 5046 needs to have two decimal places; or 50.46(I'm sorry, I had to use a ~ to keep spacing correct... I'm having problems pushing a nbsp into the code... lol)

Where is the ones in decimals?

In decimal fractions, the ones place is located one decimal place to the left of the decimal point.For example, in the decimal fraction 3.14, the number three is located in the ones place.

Where is the thousandth place in decimals?

It is the third digit after the decimal point.