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Q: How can you use box plots to compare two data sets?
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How do you compare data sets using box-and-whisker plots?

You can see which has the largest spread of data.... Where the extreme values lie... The bigger the box the wider the spread of half of the data... and vice versa

Could you give us the answers for pg 344 on world histor ags?

Compare the shape,center,and spread of the data in the box plots with the data for stores A and B in the two box plots in example 2.

What are box-n-whisker plots used for?

A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.A basic summary of data or a simple comparison of a few sets of data.

How do you compare box plots?

by looking at it and seeing the difference

How do you create a parallel box-and- whisker plots?

Parallel box and whisker plots are regular box and whisker plots, but drawn "one-above-the other" on the piece of paper. To enable to do this easily, draw an x-axis which is big enough for the largest value in the data, and small enough for the smallest value in the data (in the entire collection of data). Plot each box-and-whisker diagram below each other.

What conclusions can you draw from comparing two sets of related data displayed in box and whisker plots?

You can determine differences in:the median, a measure of central tendency;the inter quartile range (IQR). This is a measure of the spread of data around the median;skewness;number of outliers.

What are the advantages of box and whisker plots?

It's eaiser to see the outlier ( odd number) out of the data.

Why do you use box and whisker plots?

Because you can compare the values easily, for instance, you can compare the highest and lowest value and compare this to the mean, does the highest and lowest value differ greatly from the mean? Then you know the correlation is a bit unpredictable, you can also use this to compare two box plots, putting them together you can see through the median and quartile range the best way to do something, etc.

Can two box plots have the same range and IQR and yet have completely different data?

No. Four of the data elements must be identical.

What are questions of box and whisker plot?

What are the minimum, lower quartile, median, upper quartile and maximum?What the range and interquartile range are.whether the data ore positvely or negatively skewed.How two (or more) data sets compare in terms of the "average" and spread.

You want to construct a box-and-whisker plot from a data set What is the first thing you should do?

Box-and-whisker plots highlight central values in a set of data. In order to construct a box-and-whisker plot, the first step is to order your data numerically and find the median value.

How do you use a box and whisker plot?

Box and whisker plots are used to give a visual indication of where quartiles and highest/lowest values fall, so they're useful for visually comparing various sets of data. The "whisker" on the left extends to the lowest value in the data range (the left-most point). The first edge of the "box" indicates the lower quartile, the middle line in the box represents the median quartile, and the upper edge of the box represents the 3rd quartile. The "whisker" on the right extends to the highest value in the data set. Clearly when using many box and whisker plots, and comparing them to each other, it helps greatly if you use the same scale on each plot. Sometimes it may be decided that your lowest/highest data values are "outliers" (anomalous results), in which case they are still included in the box and whisker plot, but they should be demarcated by a hollow circle wherever the outlier is deemed to be.