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set up a proportion and see if both sides simplify to the same answer.

If the 2 ratios represent a constant ratio they will simplify into fractions

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Q: How can you use constant ratios to determine if a relationship is proportional?
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what ratios can you use to determine whether the relationship is proportional?

look at the ratios and multiply

What is true about ratios for proportional relationships that is not true about ratios for other relationships?

For proportional relationships the ratio is a constant.

How can you use a table to decide if a relationship is proportional?

If the ratio between each pair of values is the same then the relationship is proportional. If even one of the ratios is different then it is not proportional.

What is the relationship between two ratios with a constant rate or ratio?

The answer is "proprtional".

How can you identify a linear non proportional relationship from a table a graph and an equation?

A linear non-proportional relationship can be identified from a table if the ratios of the y-values to the x-values are not constant. In other words, if the values in the y-column do not increase or decrease by the same factor for each increase in the x-values. From a graph, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if the line does not pass through the origin (0,0) or if the slope of the line is not constant. Finally, in an equation, a non-proportional linear relationship can be identified if it does not have a multiplier or constant ratio in front of the x-variable.

How do you determine whether ratios are proportional?

you divide the numerator by the denominator, if you get the same to the other fractions, it is proportional. Another solution is if you reduce the two fractions to simplest form and they are the same, they are also proportional.

What are two equivalent ratios called?

They are said to be proportional.

How do you tell if a pair of ratios are proportional?

you have to times and get the answer correct or not

Are the ratios 8 to 7 and 2 to 28 proportional?


What does it mean for ratios to be proportional?

Two ratios, a:b and c:d are proportional if there is some number x such that a = cx and b = dx. Equivalently, if ad = bc (each is equal to cdx).

Are the ratios 16 to 18 and 18 to 24 proportional?

yes, they are.

Are these ratios proportional 2 to 9and 18 to 81?
