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In some countries, the Death Rate is higher because of disease.

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Q: How can you use death rate in a sentence?
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How can you use the word death rate in a sentence?

The death rate of stupid people is astounding.

Can you put the word death rate in a sentence?

The death rate in a country can be high or low. there is your sentence.

Can you give me a sentence for the word death-rate?

Due to an increasing population, the death-rate is also increasing.

Is the following sentence true or false if the birth rate is greater than the death rate population size decrease?

False.. if the birthrate is greater than the Death Rate... the population INCREASES !

Is the following sentence true or false if the birth rate is greater than the death rate population size decreases.?

False.. if the birthrate is greater than the death rate... the population INCREASES !

How do you use rate in a sentence?

The rate of advance is directly related to the speed.

What is the prognosis of RMSF?

Prior to the regular use of antibiotics to treat RMSF, the death rate was about 25%. Although the death rate from RMSF has improved greatly with an understanding of the importance of early use of antibiotics, there is still a 5% death rate.

Is the following sentence true or false if the birth rate is greater than the death rate population size decreases?

False.. if the birthrate is greater than the Death Rate... the population INCREASES !

Use inevitable in a sentence?

Death is inevitable.

How would you use feudalsim in a sentence?

it is death

How can you use accidental in a sentence?

His death was accidental.

What is the Difference between crude death rate and actual death rate?

Death Rate is the actual rate of death where Crude Death Rate is a guess on the death rate.