Death Rate is the actual rate of death where Crude Death Rate is a guess on the death rate.
Crude birth rate is how many live children are born. Crude death rate is how many people die. Crude death minus crude birth is the net gain (or loss) and is called the birth rate. It represents whether or not deceased people are "replaced".
mortality rate - death rate
you take the population and divide it by 3.14
because of the revolution that made people die in denmark
simply because of the difference of the literacy level between both of them.........................................................
Crude birth rate is how many live children are born. Crude death rate is how many people die. Crude death minus crude birth is the net gain (or loss) and is called the birth rate. It represents whether or not deceased people are "replaced".
The only difference between them is in number of syllables.
simple thing.. no of death is equal to 4 times larger than the no of birth....
there older
There's not a huge difference. The scene is staged a little differently (Harry watches from a lower level of the tower rather than from under the invisibility cloak as in the book, for example), but the actual death part happens pretty much the same way.
mortality rate - Death Rate
mortality rate - death rate
In that country, a lot of children are born and a lot of people die over average.
Is the crude birth rate minus the crude death rate of a population
are u human