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To divide two fractions, multiply the first by the reciprocal of the second.

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Q: How can you use multiplication to divide one fraction by another?
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When you divide one fraction and another why do you have to turn it into a reciprocal?

To divide by a fraction, you multiply by its reciprocal. This is related to the facts that (1) division is the opposite of multiplication, and (2) a reciprocal is the multiplicative "opposite" of a number.

How do you do division of fractions?

To divide one fraction by another fraction,flip the second one over and multiply them.

When does fraction happen?

When you divide one number by another which is not a factor.

How so you divide fractions?

When dividing one fraction by another, invert the second fraction and multiply them.

How do you Divide fraction by another fraction?

One simple way is to flip the second fraction over (use its reciprocal) and multiply them.

Does the inequality sign change when both sides are multipled or divided when using fractions Why or why not?

Not if the fraction is positive. But yes if the fraction is negative. Study the rules of multiplication and division by integers, and you wil see why. Multiplication by a fraction is simplty multiplication by one integer followed by division by another (or the other way round).

What is another way to divide 3 by one-sixth?

3 divided by 1/6 is the same thing as always flip the fraction after the division sign, and change it to multiplication when dividing fractions -sophmore in high school-

What is the similarities between multiplication and division?

You are working with numbers. One is a whole number and the other is a fraction of a whole number (with a decimal point, etc). You apply the same principles of subtracting one number from another or a fraction of one number from a fraction of another. Numbers is numbers!

What happens when you divide a fraction by one?

when ever you divide fractions you must always flip the fraction you are dividing and change the division sign to multiplication, ex. 1/2 divded by 1 = 2/1 multiplied by 1/1 which equals 2

How do you divide one fraction?

divide the denominator by the numerator

How do you know when a pair of fractions have the same product?

For example, you can do the multiplication in both cases, simplify each product to simplest terms, and compare. Or, after doing the multiplication, check the product of the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction - if you get the same product both ways, the products are equivalent.

What steps do you take to divide a fraction by another fraction?

To divide one fraction (the dividend) by another (the divisor), invert the divisor and multiply the fractions together: eg 2/35 ÷ 4/5 = 2/35 × 5/4 = (2×5)/(35×4) = 10/140 = 1/14