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Fill a bowl of water that is bigger than the rock right to the top, add the rock, collect and measure the volume of how much water is spilt. Provide the rock is not porous or very soluble this will provide the volume of the rock.

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Q: How could you figure out the volume of an irregular solid such as a rock?
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How do you find the volume of a irregular solid?

you cut it into regular solids then figure out those then add them together

What is the volume of a irregular solid that displaces 5ml of water?

The volume of the irregular solid can be found by measuring the displaced water, which is 5ml. This means the volume of the irregular solid is also 5ml.

How do you find volume of an irregular solid figure?

By integration - you divide the figure into many thin slices, and calculate the volume of each slice individually. The volume of each slice, again, can be calculated by integration: divide it into thin rectangles, and calculate the area of each rectangle. If you have a irregular solid figure just immerse it in water and measure the displacement. a la Archimedes

What instrument measures the volume of an irregular solid?

graduated cylindergraduated cylinderSubmerge your solid in a liquid the liquid volume displaced is equal to your irregular solid volume.

What are the steps you would use to find the volume of an irregular solid in an oveflow can?

Fill the can to the overflow level with water.Very gently lower the irregular solid into the can and make sure to catch all the overflow.Measure the volume of overflow.That is the same as the volume of the irregular solid.Warning! This method will be a total disaster if the solid is soluble in water. You could try any other liquid instead.

What method of measurement is used to find the volume of an irregular solid?

The water displacement method is typically used to find the volume of an irregular solid. The object is submerged in a known amount of water, and the increase in water volume is measured. This increase in volume is equal to the volume of the irregular solid.

What measure the volume of large irregular solid?

To measure the volume of a large irregular solid, you can use the water displacement method. Fill a container with a known volume of water, then submerge the irregular solid in the water and measure the change in water level. The difference in water level will indicate the volume of the irregular solid.

How can you measure the volume of an irregular solid?

It's simple, you just have to take a measurable recipient big enough to contain the solid, fill the recipient with a known volume of water and drop the irregular solid into the water. Then you can measure the increase of volume, which will be equivalent to the volume of your solid.

How do you measure the volume irregular solid?

You place it in water to see the volume of water it displaces. Fill a large, graduated measuring cylinder to about halfway with water (say to 50mL) Put the irregular solid in, and measure the volume it reads (solid + water). (say it reads 80mL) So the volume of the irregular solid will be: volume(solid+water) - volume(water). For example, the volume of the water was 50mL, and when the solid was added, the volume increased to 80mL. The volume of the solid would be 80mL - 50mL. So it would be 30mL.

How will you determine the density of an irregular solid like pebbles?

To determine the density of irregular solids like pebbles, you can use the water displacement method. First, measure the volume of water in a container. Then, add the irregular solid to the water and measure the new volume. The difference in the two volume readings can be used to calculate the volume of the irregular solid. Finally, divide the mass of the pebbles by the volume to calculate the density.

What is the space occupied by a solid figure?

It is the volume of the figure.

How do you measure the density or weight of irregular solid?

To measure the density of an irregular solid, you can use the water displacement method. First, measure the volume of water displaced when the solid is submerged in a known volume of water. Then, divide the mass of the solid by the volume of water displaced to calculate the density.