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By integration - you divide the figure into many thin slices, and calculate the volume of each slice individually. The volume of each slice, again, can be calculated by integration: divide it into thin rectangles, and calculate the area of each rectangle.

If you have a irregular solid figure just immerse it in water and measure the displacement. a la Archimedes

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Q: How do you find volume of an irregular solid figure?
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How do you find the volume of a irregular solid?

you cut it into regular solids then figure out those then add them together

What method of measurement is used to find the volume of an irregular solid?

The water displacement method is typically used to find the volume of an irregular solid. The object is submerged in a known amount of water, and the increase in water volume is measured. This increase in volume is equal to the volume of the irregular solid.

How would you find the volume of an irregular solid?

eat chips

When do you find an area or a volume by separating the figure into smaller figure?

when its a irregular shape you divide it up

When is ml the perferred unit to use for volume?

When you need to find volume of an irregular solid or a liquid.

What measuring tool do you use to find the volume of an irregular solid?

A graduated cylinder.

What is the method used to find out the volume of an irregular solid?

One method to find the volume of an irregular solid is by using the water displacement method. This involves submerging the solid in a known volume of water and measuring the increase in water level, which corresponds to the volume of the solid.

How can you find the volume of an irregular solid like a rock?

The best way to find the volume of an irregular solid is to submerge it in a liquid and see how much the liquid rises. You can also use calculus and tripple integrals, but that gets really sticky.

What can be used to find the volume of an irregular figure?

You divide the shape into parts or pour a liquid into it

What tool is used to find volume of an irregular solid?

10-mL graduated cylinder

What is the name of the process used to find the volume of an irregular solid?

Water Displacement technique

What is the name of the method used to find the volume of an irregular shaped solid?

Liquid displacement