

How deep is the coninental slope?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: How deep is the coninental slope?
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Slope mining is used for deeply buried mineral deposite?

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What did Alfred Lothar invent?

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Slope canyons are narrow, deep channels carved into the seafloor on the continental slope. They are typically formed by a combination of erosional processes like underwater landslides, turbidity currents, and the movement of sediment down the continental slope. Slope canyons play a crucial role in transporting sediment and nutrients from the continental shelf to the deep ocean.

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Can you show me a picture of the continental slope?

I'm text-based and cannot display images. However, you can easily find pictures of the continental slope by doing an image search on the internet. The continental slope is the steep slope that leads from the continental shelf to the deep ocean floor.

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What Is An Island Slope?

An island slope is analogous to a continental slope, but it is attached to an oceanic island (volcano) rather than attached to a continent. In simple terms, it is that portion of the sea floor that slopes from an island's shallows down to the deep ocean floor.

A sharp drop from a continent to an ocean basin is called what?

A sharp drop from a continent to an ocean basin is called a continental slope. This feature marks the boundary between the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor.