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Q: Is a continental slope gentle
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How are the continental shelf slope and rise related?

The continental shelf, slope, and rise are all part of the continental margin. The continental shelf is the flat, shallow portion closest to the shore, followed by the continental slope, which descends steeply to the ocean floor. The continental rise is a gentle incline at the base of the continental slope. These features are connected and represent the transition from the continent to the deep ocean basin.

What is a passive continental rise?

A passive continental rise is a gentle slope between the continental slope and the deep ocean floor. It is formed by sediments that accumulate from the erosional processes on the continental slope. The sediments typically consist of finer grains such as silt and clay.

What occurs where continental slope levels off and sediment accumulates?

A continental rise forms where the continental slope levels off, and sediment accumulates due to gravity transporting sediments downslope from the slope above. This is a gentle accumulation of sediments deposited by turbidity currents, rivers, and other geological processes at the base of the slope.

Does the continental slope has a gentle slant?

No, the continental slope is a steeply sloping zone between the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor. It typically has a gradient of approximately 3-6 degrees, making it much steeper than the more gradual continental shelf.

What are two different origins for the continental rise?

Two different origins for the continental rise are turbidity currents depositing sediments at the base of the continental slope, forming a wedge-shaped accumulation, and sediment transported by rivers accumulating at the continental margin, leading to the gradual build-up of a gentle slope.

What is the underwater edge of a continent called?

The underwater edge of a continent is called the continental shelf. It is a gently sloping underwater landmass that extends from the shoreline to the beginning of the ocean floor.

Location of continental slope?

continental slope

List the subdivisions of the continenal margin?

The three parts of the continental margins are the Continental shelf, the Continental slope, and the Continental rise.

The continental shelf continental slope and continental rise combine to form what?

The continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise combine to form the continental margin.

What are the five sections ocean life?

Continental slope, Continental Rise, Continental Slope, Seamont, Trench

What is the difference between the continental slope and the continental rise?

The continental shelf starts from the shore to a few miles out with less gradient of slope. The continental slope starts after shelf-break with a higher slope gradient, then follows the continental rise and abyssal-plain.

Can you show me a picture of the continental slope?

I'm unable to show you a picture directly, but I can describe the continental slope to you. The continental slope is the steeply sloping transition between the continental shelf and the deep ocean floor. It is typically located at depths of around 200 to 2,000 meters and marks the beginning of the oceanic crust. The slope is often characterized by submarine canyons and sediment deposits as it descends into the abyssal plain.