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Q: How did Archimedes try to prove that he could single-handedly move the whole Earth?
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Who consulted Archimedes regarding an object that was made of Gold?

Hiero II, the King of Syracuse, wanted Archimedes to determine if gold had been withheld from a crown by the goldsmith commissioned to make it. Without damaging the crown, Archimedes used water displacement to prove that the gold was not all there.

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To prove that organic compounds could have been generated by the conditions of primeval earth

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I can prove there are angels on earth.. trust in god and he will prove it to you too.

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how can you prove that earth is a sphere by looking at the pole st

How can you prove that the earth is a sphere by looking at the pole star?

The fact that the Pole Star appears higher in the sky as you move towards the North Pole and lower as you move towards the equator indicates that the Earth is curved. The only shape that fits this observation is a sphere.

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You should prove that you deserve a raise by keeping track of the work you do. Raising the old house could prove to be difficult and expensive. On many math tests, you are asked to prove your solution. He had nothing more to prove to anyone.

What did Columbus set out to prove?

Columbus originally was determined to prove that

Who conducted the experiment to prove that simple organic molecules could be formed by conditions found early in Earth's history?

Miller and Urey

How do Archimedes prove that the king's crown was not solid gold?

Archimedes used water displacement to determine the volume of the crown and compared it to the volume of pure gold of the same weight. If the crown's volume was greater, meaning it had been alloyed with a less dense metal, then the king's crown was not made of solid gold.

To pass a literacy test a prospective voter had to prove he could?

The prospective voter had to prove he could read and write.

What idea did Columbus prove wrong?

The earth is flat