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Mike Costa it was Not Cornelius who invented Long Division (unless he was an Ancient Egyptian some 2000 years ago...)

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Q: How did Henry Briggs invent with long division?
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Who invented the modern method of long division?

I think that Henry Briggs was the inventor of modern long division.

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Why did they invent long division?

Henry Briggs, an English mathematician (1561­1630), developed the method we commonly use now to do long division. Fractions based on 10's, 100's, etc. were used in the Indus Valley more than 4000 years ago. Egyptians used fractions with ones in the numerators about 4000 years ago. Mathematicians often build on the work of predecessors. Sure, sometimes a single "genius" develops a totally new idea, but many times a new idea or new way of doing things is an improvement on an old one.

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What is long divsion?

long division is division that is of course long.

Is that long division box called a division line?

Yep, to do long division the box is called a division bracket.

When do you use long division?

When do you use long division?You use long division when the number you are dividing is too big to do in your head or use short division.

What is 4312 long division?

4312 long division by ... I need a divisor.

Where can I get a long division worksheet?

You can practice your long division on the long division worksheets when you visit the ldivision site. They have many to choose from and you are allowed to print them out.

When did god invent the earth?

A long long long time ago.

Why did Peter long invent the funnel?

i did

What is the long division box called?

The long division box is called a "division bracket" or a "division bar." It is used to separate the dividend from the divisor in the long division process. The division bracket helps to organize the numbers and steps involved in dividing one number by another.