How did agriculture contribute to the development of Egyptian society?
Smartness - An Individual's ability to Learn, Understand and Gain the ability to Utilize the knowledge at right time. Goodness - An Individual's ability to Utilize the gained Knowledge in the Correct Direction for his Self Development and through that to the Development of the Society and to the Humanity.. - Radhakrishnan.VPS
There are many factors that influence differences in income. Age, experience, occupation, education, and cost of living are all important factors that create a distribution.credits to CHACHA!
A society having or involving several modes.
Basically the Royal Society and his inventions.
Engineers are the most important profession in society. Engineer the environment.
he built the pyramid
Members of the Middle Eastern and Egyptian empires moved forward human development and came together to form the first great cities. Both had similar development and refinements in agriculture and technology as well as government/law cuneiform writing/hieroglyphics, math/science, artistry and architecture, religion and hierarchical society.
The development of agriculture allowed people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the growth of populations. Additionally, agriculture enabled the specialization of labor, creation of social classes, and the development of complex societies. Moreover, the surplus of food produced through agriculture allowed for trade, the development of technologies, and the rise of civilizations.
It helped organize their building projects and army. APEX.
Agriculture encourages the development because when farmers produce food surpluses, the society's economy begins to expand and also becomes richer.
Logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, Biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance and theatre.
it creates unity among the people
Science contributes to society by improving our understanding of the world around us, leading to advancements in technology, healthcare, and agriculture. Scientific research helps to solve real-world problems, enhance quality of life, and drive economic development. Additionally, science education promotes critical thinking skills and fosters innovation in various industries.
One key feature that separates Neolithic society from Paleolithic society is the development of agriculture and the beginnings of settled communities in the Neolithic period. This shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture allowed for more permanent settlements, surplus food production, and the development of specialized labor roles. Additionally, in the Neolithic period, there was an increase in the production of pottery and the domestication of animals.