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The scenario is as follows :

The numbers represent adult pairs of rabbits. I will also include pairs of juvenile rabbits as numbers in brackets eg. (1).

Each month, every pair of adult rabbits produces a pair of juveniles. It takes one month for each pair of juvenile rabbits to reach breeding age. Certain assumptions are made :

1) No rabbits die.

2) There are always an equal number of males/females.

Month 1 : 1 (0) - You have one pair of adult rabbits

Month 2 : 1 (1) - The adult pair breed

Month 3 : 2 (1) - The adult pair breed again, and the juvenile pair grow up

Month 4 : 3 (2) - The 2 adult pairs breed, and one juvenile pair grow up

Month 5 : 5 (3) - The 3 adult pairs breed, the 2 juvenile pairs grow up

Month 6 : 8 (5) - The 5 adult pairs breed, the 3 juvenile pairs grow up.

If you look at the growth pattern for either adult pairs or juvenile pairs, you find the famous Fibonacci series : 1,1,2,3,5,8,...,...

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Q: How did rabbits help Leonardo Fibonacci to explain the Fibonacci number system?
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Discovery of the Fibonacci sequenceThe discovery of the Fibonacci sequence arose as the solution to a problem that required a mathematical approach. Leonardo Fibonacci, who was also known as Leonardo of Pisa, an Italian mathematician of the 13th Century, was trying to model the population of rabbits. His working hypothesis was that each pair of rabbits gave birth to a pair of baby rabbits in a period. In the next period, the babies were not yet old enough to breed but the original pair bred again. In the following period, the original as well as the babies from the first period bred. And so on. The number of pairs of rabbits in any period is given by the Fibonacci sequence.

What is Leonardo Fibonacci's theory?

He invented the Finonacci number system. He figured it out after trying to work out how rabbits breed. eg: 1,1,2,3,5,8 etc. The first 2 numbers added up equals the 3rd number. 1+1=2. 2+1=3. So on and so forth. Hope i helped...

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Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci.

Why is Fibonacci numbers called that?

Because they are named after the 13th century mathematician Leonardo de Pisa, who was also called Leonardo Fibonacci. He discovered the number sequence, and their relation to Pi.

Can you explain Fibonacci's rabbit problem and find a diagram to explain?

Fibonacci's rabbit problem involves tracking the reproduction of rabbits over time, where each pair of rabbits produces another pair every month. The sequence of numbers that arises from this scenario is known as the Fibonacci sequence. A diagram typically shows the number of rabbit pairs at each time step, illustrating how the numbers grow according to the sequence.

Difference between Leonardo Number and Fibonacci number?

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What did Fibonacci have to do with rabbits?

Fibonacci is a famous mathematician who lived around the turn of the 13th century. He is known for a sequence where each number is the sum of the two preceding it. He presented it as the total number of rabbits in a population after so many time periods, assuming that each pair of rabbits had a set number of birthings then died.

What is the contribution of Leonardo Fibonacci?

He was a great mathematician.he is known for fabonacci number,fabonacci prime and many more.

Where did Leonardo Fibonacci work?

He worked on the Fibonacci number. It goes like this: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, . . .