Some of the ways abolitionists used math in their work was in calculating distance in the travels of the slaves they were helping to escape to the North. Math was also used for calculating direction when using latitude and longitude to plan the escape routes of the slaves.
In addition to that, they used math in calculating the time it would take to get from one destination to another because timing was crucial. The bounty hunters were often so very closely behind them that they had to be extremely careful in planning their timing, both in departure times as well as arrival times.
all of them
to work out various different types of averages
You use numbers and add/subract them. You also work with your budget, which is using math. Income tax forms use addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc.
They use mostly arithmetic in calculating dose of medications and rates of IV fluids.
everyday they use math
all of them
Parentheses and brackets work the same in math as they do in writing -- use them to group ideas.
No, but you will still have to use it...
Thomas Jefferson was originally an abolitionist.
people use math when they are at work measuring something or trying to work out the time or at school
Math is not just math you have to study it like subtration and addition. You use it on sheets or paper work.
i think he did use math alot becuase he was a beast at what he did for us and he was a good man
he worked to save pregnant women from starvation
yes economist use math and statistics in their work. An economist uses calculus to do optimization problems and this requires a strong back ground in calculus, linear algebra is also useful for time series analysis and forecasting. So math plays a pivotal role in an economist's work.
They can use math to find fittings for dimensions of a person's body. I don't think they use science very often, however.
Engineering is basically applied science, and many scientific areas require math. (You might also say, "by definition": if an area of work doesn't include lots of science and math, then it wouldn't be called "Engineering".)