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They use mostly arithmetic in calculating dose of medications and rates of IV fluids.

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Q: How does a vet uses math on the work they do?
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What are some ways that a vet technician uses math?

Veterinary technicians use math to calculate drug dosages and fluid rates on a daily basis.

Why are you good at math but not at writing?

Math and writing are two different types of work. Writing uses creativity and knowledge. Math requires crittical thinking and problem solving skills.

What do you have to specialize in to become a wildlife vet?

you have to do science and math

Do veterinarians use math in their line of work?

Yes. For example a vet would need to be able to calculate drug dosage based on the weight of the animal.

What kind of texture did M.C. Escher use?

Escher uses texture in his work to express his feelings for art and math

What studies do you have to do in grade 10 if you want to be a vet?

Math and science.

How does an economist use math in his or her work?

yes economist use math and statistics in their work. An economist uses calculus to do optimization problems and this requires a strong back ground in calculus, linear algebra is also useful for time series analysis and forecasting. So math plays a pivotal role in an economist's work.

Do you have to take math classes to become a vet?

Yes. You have to take math classes to be a vet. I would like to be a veterinarian myself, and I will have to take business math and college Algebra. You also have to take biology, physics, chemistry, English, nutrition, and animal science.

Who uses the scientific method?

math uses the scientific method

How does the utility prefect and the assistant work together to improve the school?

unility and assistant uses math AI so they can improve shcool

What does a architect do with math?

A architect uses math like meausuring length

How is math used in being a math teacher?

A teacher mainly uses math to teach it to the students. Other opinions could possibly say that everyone uses math in their life at home as in groceries ect.