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Q: How did the ancient people represent number of zero?
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How did the number zero form?

Ancient people created random numbers and made the word "zero"

What represented zero in ancient Chinese numerals?

There was no zero in ancient Chinese numerals. The ancient Chinese number system was not a positional system, so there was no need for a zero.

In number 9.103 which number represent hundredths?

The zero is in the hundredths place.

How do you Represent irrational number on number line?

The same as you would a rational number. Its distance from zero will represent the number, whether it is rational or irrational.

Did the ancient Indians invent the number zero?

Yes india invented the zero

What does zero represent?

minimum molecular kinetic energy

Which of the following aspects of Mayan culture was not shared by the ancient Mesopotamians?

Mayans had an actual symbol to represent zero - the Mesopotamians just left a space in their cuneiform number representation to indicate a place without value, similar to the modern-day zero Mayans used a base 20 number system.

Who were the first people to use the zero and the decimal system?

The first people to use the decimal system and the number zero WERE NOT THE CHINESE! I am learning about this in school. The ancient Hindu's invented them during the Gupta Empire.

Is there a symbol for zero in the Egyptian number system?

There is no known mathematical symbol for zero in the ancient Egyptian number system.

What people were the first to use a symbol to represent zero?

The Mayans

In Greek numerals is there a symbol for zero?

No, the Ancient Greek number system did not use zero as a place value, or number for that matter.

Why do you call the number 0 a zero?

Zero is a placeholder. The Ancient Chinese used it, the ancient Egyptians used it, ancient India and the Arabs used it. The word came into English from Italian zero.