i is you put time rowmans size 12
The division sign is simple. Draw a short line similar to a dash like this - Put a dot on top of the line and put a dot under the line. That symbol indicates division.
Put 7.55 on the first line. Put x52 on the second line. Put 1510 on the third line. Put 37750 on the fourth line. Put 392.60 on the fifth line. Underscore the second and fourth lines.
To get a line under the words you typed all you do is press the button with a capital U with a line under neath it
Put 7.55 on the first line. Put x52 on the second line. Put 1510 on the third line. Put 37750 on the fourth line. Put 392.60 on the fifth line. Underscore the second and fourth lines.
To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.To put a line under some text.
An eight letter word for put under stress is "strained."
first put a straight line on top. then put a cure line under it.
_ like that N
there is no mark or letter
your resume doesn't generally have an attention line your attention line would go on the cover letter.
i is you put time rowmans size 12
i is you put time rowmans size 12
To name a line, just put a letter near one end of the line. You could say 'Line A' if you want to name it without a diagram.