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Where a = (v-u)/t a is acceleration, v is final velocity u is initial velocity t is time so, u=v-at

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Q: How do I rearrange the acceleration formula to solve it for initial velocity?
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What is the formula t calculate acceleration?

The formula to calculate acceleration is: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

How do you calculate initial velocity when given final velocity acceleration and time?

You can use the equation: (v_i = v_f - a * t), where (v_i) is the initial velocity, (v_f) is the final velocity, (a) is the acceleration, and (t) is the time. Plug in the values and solve for (v_i).

What is the Formula in Final Velocity?

Final velocity = (Initial velocity) + (time)(acceleration)

What formula is used to calculate accleration?

The formula for acceleration is: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. It is the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

To find acceleration you subtract what?

To find acceleration, you subtract the initial velocity from the final velocity and then divide by the time taken to achieve the change in velocity. The formula for acceleration is (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.

How do you rearrange the timeless equation for acceleration?

To rearrange the equation for acceleration, you start with the equation (a = \frac{v_f - v_i}{t}) where (a) is acceleration, (v_f) is final velocity, (v_i) is initial velocity, and (t) is time. You can rearrange it to solve for any of the variables by manipulating the equation algebraically. For example, to solve for final velocity, you rearrange the equation as (v_f = v_i + a \times t).

What is the formula for calculating final velocity when you know the initial speed and the acceleration?

the formula for finding acceleration is final velocity, minus initial velocity, all over time. So if you have the acceleration and initial speed, which is equal to the initial velocity, you must also have time in order to find the final velocity. Once you have the time, you multiply it by the acceleration. That product gives you the difference of the final velocity and initial velocity, so then you just add the initial velocity to the product to find the final velocity.

What information do you need in order to find a object's acceleration?

To find an object's acceleration, you need its initial velocity, final velocity, and the time it takes to change from the initial velocity to the final velocity. The formula for acceleration is (final velocity - initial velocity) / time elapsed.

What is the meaning and formula for deceleration?

Deceleration is the rate of decrease of velocity with respect to time. It is the negative of acceleration. The formula for deceleration is the same as that of acceleration, only that the acceleration is represented as negative. The formula is: - (deceleration) = (final velocity) - (initial velocity) time Therefore, (deceleration) = (initial velocity) - (final velocity) time

How do you determine initial velocity when given time acceleration and displacement?

s = u + at s = displacement u = initial velocity a = acceleration t = time rearrange to give u = s - at and sub in values

How do you find acceleration with velocity given?

Use the formula Acceleration = (final velosity - initial velocity)/ time.

If a car goes in 6.8 seconds how do you figure out the acceleration?

To calculate acceleration, you need to know the initial velocity of the car and its final velocity after 6.8 seconds. The acceleration can be found using the formula: acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time.