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There is supposed to be an equals between the LOL and the TGIF

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Q: How do I solve this Find a value for each letter in the number sentence if each letter is represented by a different positive integer. TMI LOL equals TGIF?
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Below are examples of sentences using the term:Sentence #1The math problem had a positive and a negative integer.Sentence #2Five minus ten yields an answer that is a negative integer, namely negative five.Sentence #3When the temperature is below zero, it can be represented by a negative integer.

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-- The product is an integer. -- If the original two integers are both positive, then the product is positive. -- If the original two integers have different signs, then the product is negative.

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The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.The absoluate value of a positive integer is the integer itself.

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They are different because they both heve negative and positive.

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A constant is a value that does not change, an integer is a positive whole number.

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The product would be a positive integer.

When you subtract a positive integer by a positive integer do you get a positive integer?

If the integer subtracted is smaller than or equal to the first integer, then the answer is positive. Otherwise, if the integer subtracted is larger, then the answer is negative.

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From (-215) to (215 -1). In decimal -32768 to 32767.