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No, not at all.Architects use measurements and the foundations of geometry it takes a little bit of math but it does not need bargraphs or line plots.

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Q: How do architects use graphs and lines?
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Where do you use graphs in day to day life?

Architects and if you study Geometry you will have to use graphs.

Do line graphs always have strait lines?

No, they NEVER ever have strait lines. Some graphs may have straight lines but most do not.

Do you use scale to draw a straight line?

I looked up and I think you use them to draw graphs but can use them to draw straight lines.

Do valid graphs have to have straight lines?

No they do not.

Graphs that use bars or wide lines to compare data visually are called what?

Bar charts or histograms.

What are the three types of graphs scientist use?

Pie Graphs, Bar Graphs, and Line Graphs are three graphs that scientist use often.

What do charts and graphs look like?

by their lines

What do you call lines on Graphs?

co ordinates

What are the differences between a pie chart a line graph and a bar graph?

Pie charts are circles that usually show percentages Line graphs are graphs that use lines to show increase/decrease in time Bar graphs are used to show amounts of something♦

Do architects use scientific notation?

Yes, architects use scientific notation to do the calculation of the measurement of either very long/short (or both) objects. They use scientific notation to save time, writing out the whole term, such as 14324141240123.... or 50000000... Basic geometry is also applied to their careers since they need to learn how to measure the lengths of the shapes and lines! It's quite interesting that architects use math!

How do mathematicans use graphs?

Mathematicians use graphs to illustrate information.

Why do scientists use graphs?

Scientists use graphs to organize data.