Since 4 is greater than 3, you might think that 1/4 is greater than 1/3. But if you know that 1/3 = 4/12 and 1/4 = 3/12, it makes them easier to compare.
One way to compare two fractions is to convert both to a common denominator. Then the only difference is in the numerator. Comparison of the numerator is then sufficient to compare the fractions. A percentage is equivalent to converting the fractions to a denominator of 100.
The same way as proper fractions. Make sure the denominators are the same. If they're not, convert them to equivalent fractions with similar denominators. Then you can see which numerator is greater.
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
You cannot add or subtract fractions with different denominators. If the denominators are different then you need to work with equivalent fractions.
To compare if they are the same (ie equivalent fractions), make them both into equivalent fractions with the same denominator and compare the numerators. To find equivalent fractions multiply (or divide) both the numerator and denominator by the same number. → 1/2 = (1×2)/(2×2) = 2/4 → 3/4 = 3/4 The two fractions now have the same denominator (4), so compare their numerators: ½ now has a numerator of 2 whereas ¾ (still ) has a numerator of 3. 2 does not equal 3 so ½ does not equal ¾; ie ½ and ¾ are not equivalent fractions.
One way to compare two fractions is to convert both to a common denominator. Then the only difference is in the numerator. Comparison of the numerator is then sufficient to compare the fractions. A percentage is equivalent to converting the fractions to a denominator of 100.
The same way as proper fractions. Make sure the denominators are the same. If they're not, convert them to equivalent fractions with similar denominators. Then you can see which numerator is greater.
I suggest you convert the fractions to a common denominator; that should make it easy to compare them.
Make the fractions equivalent then subtract
Make them into decimals. Make them into decimals.
You cannot add or subtract fractions with different denominators. If the denominators are different then you need to work with equivalent fractions.
---- 3 fifths is equivalent to ? tenths
Compare data
you must make the fractions equivalent and with the same denomenator
you make fractions equivalent denominators, you add the numerators and put it over the denominator
No. Make them each into equivalent fractions that have a common denominator (bottom number), then compare the numerators (top numbers): 2/5 = 12/30 5/6 = 25/30 12 ≠ 25 thus the fraction are not equivalent.