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In some cultures, tolerating pain is related to showing strength and endurance. In others, it is considered punishment for misdeeds.

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Q: How do ethnic and cultural values impact one's pain?
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Studying one's culture relative to the same cultural behavior helps to understand the variations within a culture and the factors that influence these differences. It allows for a deeper analysis of cultural norms, values, and practices within a specific cultural group, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of cultural dynamics and their impact on individual behavior.

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What cultural (value) is important... Or what cultural values (are) important... Freedom, Democracy, Self Determination, Self Worth, Respect, Self Respect, Honesty, Fairness, Dependablility, Courage, Motovation. There are many cultural values that are important in the relationship between culture and economy. These are some of the ones I believe to be more important.

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The idea that memberships in a culture influence one's actions and values is called cultural determinism. It suggests that individuals' behaviors and beliefs are largely shaped by the culture they belong to, impacting how they interact with the world around them.

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The terms Ethnic and Traditional dance are used when it is required to emphasize the cultural roots of the dance. It this sense, nearly all folk dances are ethnic ones. Even if some dances, such as Polka, cross ethnic boundaries (and even cross the boundary between Folk and Ballroom dance!), ethnical differences are often considerable enough to speak of, e.g., "Czech Polka" vs. "German Polka".On the contrary, not all ethnic dances are folk ones. The simplest example are ritual dances or dances of ritual origin.

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Pirates were not always English. Pirates came in almost every ethnic group, including Asian ethnic groups, African ones, European ones, etc.

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Cultural borrowing is the adoption of ones culture traits by another group. While cultural diffusion is the spreading of knowledge as to where cultural borrowing is the gaining of ones culture traits to another anonymous group. Tell me if this helps!?

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When a number is a multiple of 5, the possible values of the ones digit are zero and five.

What cultural values were reinforced or challenged in the work of Harry Potter?

it is l.a because it is like creating a story the culture is not any it's made up of so many different ones theirs to many to count.

Is there any difference between moral values and cultural and need based human requirements?

Yes. Your cultural values encompass your world view. Your morals are just a part of how you view the world (what is right and wrong). Need based human requirements would be (besides physical ones) a feeling of safety, communication, socialization, some type of family unit. (Not really sure what you were trying to say for that one).