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Ones that are near the population mean.

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Q: What values of a sample mean would repeat more often?
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Why is a sample often used instead of a census?

because its faster and then when you use a sample you can easily make accurate predictions about what would/will happen next

When can an analog signal be reconstructed from its sample values?

An analog signal can be reconstructed from its sample values when the samples were taken often enough.Exactly how often is "often enough" depends on how accurately you want to reconstruct the original. The crucial question is "what is the highest frequency of interest in the original signal?". The usual rule of thumb is to sample at a minimum of twice that frequency.Beware. If you want to sample a piano playing a concert pitch A (440 Hz), your sample rate will depend on why you want to do it. If you just want to know that the piano played A rather than, say, middle C, a sample rate of 1KHz would do. However, if you want to be able to identify the instrument as a piano, a 1 KHz sample rate won't do at all. When the orchestra tunes up, and the oboe gives an A, it doesn't sound anything like a piano. The fundamental note is 440 Hz just like the piano, but every musical instrument produces multiples of the fundamental, called harmonics. It is the number of harmonics and their relative amplititudes which gives the instrument its distinctive sound. These are the "highest frequency of interest".

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The answer depends on the population and is described by the sampling distribution of the mean.

Are number values often called labels in Excel?

No. Labels are normally text. Numbers are usually referred to as values. Occasionally a number could be a label. Even then, they would often be formatted as text.

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The identity of the sample can be determined by calculating its density, which is mass divided by volume. In this case, the density would be approximately 7.18 g/cm³. By comparing this density to known values for different substances, you can identify the sample based on its density.

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The experiment results indicated the purity of the sample by showing how closely the measured properties matched the expected values for the pure substance. Any deviations or impurities detected in the results would suggest a lack of purity in the sample used for the experiment.

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No. An irrational number is one that does not repeat or finish, and a calculator cannot display millions of digits like an irrational number would have.

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If the sample is small or not randomly chosen, it may not have much meaning at all. If the random sample is large, it would generally be inferred that the distribution is symmetrical. The skewness of the data can be calculated.

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To emulate means to imitate or surpass either a person or an achievement. A sample sentence would be, "Children often emulate their elders".

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When would random sampling not be the best approach to sample selection