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maybe u can by stalking the number and going to the private number location on your phone. there is where u can locate the number and prank call them back. u can find the private number location when u go to settings or your main menu and then press options. u should see private number. press it and scroll down till u see the unknown number that called you. when u find the unknown number press on it and it should give u options. one option will say reveal. press reveal and it should reveal u one digit of the number and ask u a riddle. figure out the riddle and it shall reveal another digit and a riddle. keep on figuring out the riddles and soon enough u will figure out the number and be able to prank call the person back, but beware there is a timer on the riddles. and if u dont figure out the riddle fast enough a scary picture shall pop up on your phone and haunt you forever.

note: please know this is all fake and do not try this at home kids. it can lead to prison and maybe even a fire. so for your own safety laugh out loud, roll on the floor, lick your elbow, run around naked, and have a good day.

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Q: How do find out where an unknown number came from?
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