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Q: How do functionalist view inequality?
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How do functionalist and conflict views of bilingualism differ?

Functionalists view bilingualism as beneficial for individuals and society, facilitating communication and promoting cultural diversity. Conflict theorists view bilingualism as a source of inequality and segregation, where power dynamics determine which languages are promoted and valued in society.

How would a Functionalist Conflict Theorist and Interactionist view the Prohibition Era?

A Functionalist might view the Prohibition Era as an attempt to promote social order by reducing alcohol-related crime and improving public health. A Conflict Theorist might see it as a tool of social control by powerful groups to restrict the behavior of marginalized communities. An Interactionist might focus on how prohibition influenced social interactions, such as speakeasies providing spaces for people to socialize outside the law.

If Durkheim was a functionalist what was Weber?

Weber was a functionalist, also.

Which of these theoretical perspectives has the most optimistic view of society?

Functionalist perspective tends to have the most optimistic view of society. This perspective sees society as a stable system that functions well when each part of the system is in balance and working together. Functionalist believe that societies can achieve harmony and that social order is possible through cooperation and shared values.

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What is the functionalist view of health?

Functionalists believe that health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. They emphasize the importance of health in maintaining social order and promoting overall societal functioning. This perspective focuses on the role of individuals in maintaining their own health and the social institutions that support and regulate health behaviors.

What are the three approaches in looking at culture?

The three approaches in looking at culture are functionalist, conflict, and symbolic interactionist perspectives. The functionalist perspective views culture as serving specific functions within society, the conflict perspective highlights power dynamics and inequality within culture, and the symbolic interactionist perspective focuses on how individuals create and interpret culture through their interactions.

How do the functionalist and conflict explanations of stratification differ?

Functionalists view stratification as necessary for maintaining social order and stability, with each social position serving a specific function in society. Conflict theorists, on the other hand, see stratification as resulting from competition and inequality among different social groups, with the dominant group using their power to maintain control and suppress the lower classes.

What is functionalist perspective on family?

The functionalist perspective on family focuses on the ways in which the family contributes to the smooth functioning of society. It emphasizes the roles and functions that family members play in maintaining social order and stability. Functionalists view the family as a key institution that serves important functions, such as socializing children and providing emotional support.

What are the cons of the functionalist stratification theory?

One of the cons of the functionalist stratification theory is that it overlooks how power dynamics and discrimination can perpetuate inequality. It also fails to account for individual variations and social mobility. Additionally, it may justify existing social hierarchies and inequalities as necessary for societal function.

How does a functionalist view social welfare?

Functionalists view social welfare as a system that provides support for individuals in society, ensuring social stability and cohesion. They see it as a mechanism to address social inequalities and maintain the overall functioning of society by meeting the needs of its members.

What is the functionalist view on globalization?

Functionalists view globalization as a natural and beneficial process that promotes economic growth, cultural exchange, and global interconnectedness. They emphasize how globalization can increase efficiency, spread technological advancements, and improve living standards for people around the world. Functionalists believe that globalization ultimately leads to greater social integration and harmony among nations.