There are two main uses of coordinates. The common use is to the location of a point in space which may be two dimensional or multi-dimensional. Maps are a good example of this use. Every place on earth has a unique latitude and longitude and that enables us to unambiguously locate places. Coordinate geometry also allows mathematicians to use results from algebra to solve problems in geometry.
They are extremely important because they allow you to solve many equations that have the same properties. they are like maps to find the right solution, without them, each equation would be individually figured out and no pattern would be established.
You can learn how to get to somewhere using road maps,museum maps,and etc.
Maps covering a large area suffer from "barrel distortion". In the usual layout of maps, East-West distances are compressed near the equator and exaggerated as you move towards the poles.
Geographers who make or design maps are called cartographers.
Geographers use maps because that's what geographers do for a living. Geographers use maps to learn about the Earth's surface. That is their job.
Geographers will use there own maps and test to see if they are accurate
Geographers... There are many kinds of geographers, however, like cartographers for example. Cartographers are geographers that make and study maps. (Cartography = study of maps)
Cartographers provide the maps that geographers use.
Maps and GPS?
Maps, and Demographics
Maps and Globes
they use maps and observations
nothing u bobos im smart and im not telling u