They are extremely important because they allow you to solve many equations that have the same properties. they are like maps to find the right solution, without them, each equation would be individually figured out and no pattern would be established.
No, geometry is more depth into algebra, with formulas and shapes. That's why algebra is a prerequisite
I suppose you mean "algebra". There are lots of formulas in algebra. Look up any introductory algebra school book.
Of course. Formulas are not encountered until the student progresses from arithmetic to algebra.
Algebra exists to find solutions
Islamic algebra is the same as regular algebra. just like Arabic numerals is the same as 1 2 3. why is algebra important today? there is no difference between these questions.
There are many different formulas and equations for algebra.
No, geometry is more depth into algebra, with formulas and shapes. That's why algebra is a prerequisite
Memorize formulas and practice
I suppose you mean "algebra". There are lots of formulas in algebra. Look up any introductory algebra school book.
The technique is known as algebra.
As by "who" i assume you mean what profession. Algebra is used a lot in banking, economics, and doctors who need formulas. But overall algebra is mostly used by college leveled advanced algebra teachers.
Of course. Formulas are not encountered until the student progresses from arithmetic to algebra.
Algebra exists to find solutions
Islamic algebra is the same as regular algebra. just like Arabic numerals is the same as 1 2 3. why is algebra important today? there is no difference between these questions.
You 'll find all Algebra formulae on the following link.
Algebra was not an important invention to Islam as a religion. It was an important invention in mathematics that was discovered by a Muslim (Al-Khwarizmi). Algebra is important in mathematics because it establishes the ability to perform mathematical operations even if some or all of the quantities are unknown.
Geometry is like a block from Algebra 1 to Algebra 2 and it contributes by teaching you the basics of the things you will learn in Algebra 2.