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Click the y = button which is probably located in the top left corner. Type in the equation you wish to graph and press the graph button wich is located somewhere on the top right side.

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Q: How do graph a linear equation on a graphing calculator?
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How do you graph an equation in standard form?

On my graphing calculator, a TI84 Plus, I can enter the equation into the Y= (a button) and then graph it by hitting the Graph button.

How do you use a graphing calculator to solve quadratic equations?

Graph the equation then find the x intercepts.

What is the function of graphing calculators?

A graphing calculator is a calculator with the capability of graphing an equation on a built-in coordinate grid on the screen. They usually have a simple LCD grid screen, and by typing in the equation (e.g., 5x+3), the screen refreshes to display a graph of the equation in a set window range.

How do you graph slope on a graphing calculator?

On all of the graphing calculators, they have the graphing things on it. First to make a graph, you need an equation. when you have the equation ready, you just press the button on the top left (for the most calculaters), the "y=" button. Then you will get a lot of empty lines for you to put the equations on. After you type all the equations, you will have to press the "graph button on the top right. then you will get a graph.

How is graphing a linear inequality the same as graphing a liner equation?

They are alike in that you graph the lines in the same way, but they are different because you have to shade in one side of the line

What is linear graphing?

a linear graph is a graph where the line is ongoing and doesn't change directions

Can you graph a circle on a graphing calculator?


Why do you need a graphing calculator?

Graphing calculators are true to their name: they can graph out equaitions. Letting the calculator graph out equations is a lot easier than plotting and drawing your own graph, but you do not NEED a graphing calculator. Besides that, their functions are similar to other scientific caculators.

What is the difference between a linear function and a quadratic equation?

A linear equation describes a line like 2x+1=y. If you were to graph that equation, then it would give you a line. A quadratic equation is like x^2+2x+1=y. Graphing this equation would give you a U shaped graph called a parabola.

Why do you need a calculator?

Graphing calculators are true to their name: they can graph out equaitions. Letting the calculator graph out equations is a lot easier than plotting and drawing your own graph, but you do not NEED a graphing calculator. Besides that, their functions are similar to other scientific caculators.

How do you graph this on a TI-83 graphing calculator?


How do you graph on a graphing calculator?

Here is a great site that will tell you everything you know about graphing calculator programming, and its got programs there to! See the related link, "Graphing Calculator Programming".