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There are no definitive studies that show clear trends.

The top three states for violent crimes, Tennessee, Nevada, and Alaska have fairly liberal gun laws and high gun ownerships, yet according to state statistics the victims are often not gun owners.

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Q: How do gun laws affect crime rates?
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Are guns a deterrent to crime?

pretty sureAdded: Proponents on both sides of the gun issue will have their own views, however, statistically, the instances of assaults and violent crime drop in states where concealed carry laws have proliferated.

A researcher claims that 62 percent of voters favor gun control?

The most recent Quinnipiac University poll found that fifty-six percent of voters support the stricter gun laws passed in 2013. Fifty-four percent of unaffiliated voters and eighty-one percent of Democrats support stricter gun laws, while sixty-nine percent of Republicans oppose it.

What should you do if your gun was stolen?

File a report with the police. Be sure to provide make, model and serial number and any other identifying information on it. This is important for several reasons. First, there is a chance the thief will get caught. Your report will identify your gun as stolen property, and will help to put the thief where he belongs - in prison. Second, if a gun happens to be used in a crime and abandoned at the scene, having a report on file will keep you off the list of suspects. Third, there is a small chance your gun will be returned to you.

What do you do to report a stolen gun?

AnswerTake the weapon and the original police report to the nearest police station. AnswerI would inform the police if you filed a report. If you just misplaced it I would leave it at that otherwise I would have them check it to make sure that it possibly weren't used in a crime. AnswerCall the police and have them file a police report. They will add the gun in the NCIC database.

What are ''Unlawful Objects''?

The definition of unlawful objects depends on where you are, and what the laws are. If you don't have a concealed weapon license, then even standing out in a field in the middle of nowhere, a gun in your pocket would still be unlawful. However, even if you do have a license, having that same gun close to a school or an airport would be unlawful. Right now, a tube of toothpaste in your carry-on bag is an unlawful object at an airport. Hopefully, toothpaste is pretty benign other places. In general, an unlawful object is anything that there are laws against... and in many places, the law supports whatever the local rules are.

Related questions

Do states that allow citizens to carry guns have higher or lower crime rates?

Research on the relationship between gun ownership and crime rates is inconclusive. Some studies suggest that states with looser gun laws have higher rates of gun-related violence, while others show little to no relationship. Numerous factors contribute to crime rates, making it difficult to establish a direct correlation with gun ownership laws.

What was Australia's mistake with there gun law and how did it affect crime rates?

Allowing the use of automatic weapons

Do countries with gun restrications have lower crime rates?

There is no clear-cut correlation between gun restrictions and crime rates across countries. Many factors including social, economic, and cultural differences can affect crime rates. Some countries with strict gun laws do have lower rates of gun-related crimes, but it's not the only determining factor in overall crime rates.

Is there gun control in other countries?

Yes. Most cities have more onerous gun control laws than the United States does. However, many of them still have higher crime rates than the US does, and within the US, the states and cities with the strictest gun control laws often have the highest crime rates, such as Chicago and Washington, D.C.

How much gun violence is there in the us?

Less than people would have you believe. Violent crime in the US is at the lowest point in 20 years. Areas with the highest crime rates typically are also the areas with the most gun control laws.

Should America be more strict on guns like in Britain?

You are asking for an opinion. My opinion? The US already HAS several THOUSAND gun laws on the books. The problem is that people that will not obey laws that prohibit murder, robbery, and assault also do not obey gun laws. If you do some research in the FBI crime statistics for different places, you may be surprised. Some of the places with VERY strict gun laws also have VERY high crime rates.

How has the right to carry a gun affected the crime levels in the US?

The impact of the right to carry a gun on crime levels in the US is a topic of debate. Some studies suggest that allowing individuals to carry firearms can deter crime by giving potential victims the means to defend themselves. However, other research indicates that increased gun availability can also lead to more gun-related violence and homicides. Factors such as gun control laws, socioeconomic conditions, and cultural attitudes towards guns also play a role in influencing crime rates.

Why should you have less stricked gun laws?

OK- word is strict. Your question calls for an opinion. Here is my opinion- there are several thousand national, state and local gun laws in the US. In some cases, the people that made the laws do not even understand the wording in the law they passed. Many of the gun laws do not affect criminals, since they do not obey laws- but they do affect law abiding people. Violent crime- including crimes involving guns- is at the lowest rate in years. At the same time, gun ownership has gone up. Laws that prevent honest people from being able to have a gun only takes away their ability to defend themselves from crime.

How has Japan almost eradicated gun crime?

By having a nation that has a different culture than other countries, Ownership of firearms is extremely limited. Crime in all categories is much less than many other nations. This does not apply to all nations with restrictive gun laws. Some have very high rates of violent crime.

How does gun violence affect communities?

The same as any violent crime

Is there a correlation between rates of gun ownership and gun violence?

There does appear to be one. It is an INVERSE correlation. As the rate of gun ownership INCREASES, the rate of violent crime DECREASES.

What felones does the gun law effect?

It depends on what you mean, but basically, gun laws affect all felons.