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Q: How do i calulate the radis of a circle?
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What is the symbol of the radis of a circle?

R is the symbol

How do you calulate the circumference of a circle?

Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

How do you find the radis of a circle knowing the rafius?

Neither radis nor rafius are recognised words in the English mathematical language. I suggest you check and amend your spellings and resubmit the question.

What is the circumfernce of a circle with a radis of 4?

The circumference of a circle is found using the formula pi * 2r = 3.14 * 8. The circumference of the circle is 8pi or 25.12 units.

How many radis squares fit into one circle?

A radius squared fits pi times into a circle (The area of a circle divided by pi is the radius squared).

What is ha circumference of the circle if has radis markedris 10 inches?

Circumference = 2*pi*r Circumference = 2*pi(10 inches) = 63 inches ========

How do you find the area of a circle with just the radis?

If you have the radius of the circle then just plug it into the equation which ispi x r2This equation is used to find the area of a circleSo if your radius is 5 then all you do is 52 and then multiply by piHope that helps.Jamz159

What is circumference of a circle with a radius of 4 cm?

circumference formula is pi(diameter) diameter is 2(radius) radis=4; diameter=2(4)=8 pi(8)=circumference of the circle...this is the EXACT answer plug it into a calculator and you will get 25.1327412287 your welcome ;)

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What actors and actresses appeared in Radis - 2010?

The cast of Radis - 2010 includes: Sergi Gibert as Juli Anastasia Kulikova as Anastasia Gerard Molina as Alex