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Q: How do jet engines provide a forward thrust for an airplane by using the continuity Equation?
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use the continuity equation to explain how jet engines provide a forward thrust for an airplane?

What is the force that propels an airplane forward?

An airplane is propelled forward by its engines, which generate thrust by expelling high-speed exhaust gases. The thrust generated by the engines overcomes drag forces on the airplane, allowing it to move forward.

What helps an airplane overcome drag so it can thrust forward?

An airplane uses engines to generate thrust, which propels it forward. The engines work to overcome the drag force that resists the airplane's forward motion, allowing it to achieve the necessary airspeed for flight. This is necessary to create the lift that keeps the airplane airborne.

What keeps an airplane moving forward?

An engine producing THRUST keeps an airplane moving forward. Types of engines used by airplanes include reciprocating engines, turbo prop engines, turbojet, and turbofan engines. Some manufacturers are developing electric engines and one bicycle racer powered a very lightweight airplane using pedal power connected to a propeller.

What does the engine of an airplane do?

Basically, the engine of the airplane provides thrust, which help it go forward. There are many types of engines that can do the job.

What causes an airplane to accelerate?

An airplane accelerates due to the thrust generated by its engines. As the engines produce forward thrust, the aircraft gains speed. The thrust must overcome drag forces acting on the airplane to achieve acceleration.

Is the upward force on a airplane wing is thrust?

Thrust is the forward motion of the airplane provided by the engines. Lift is the upward force on an airplanes wing.

What forward movement force of airplane provided by engines causes air to move over and under wings?


What forward movement force of airplace provided by engines causes air to move over and under wings?

Thrust is the forward movement of an airplane that is provided by the engines. The thrust causes air to move over and under the wings and allows the plane to fly.

Can an airplane take off when it is on a treadmill going the opposite direction?

No is not correct. Yes is the correct answer because the rearward thrust from the engines(s) of the airplane would move the airplane forward and the wheels would only spin faster on the tredmill.

What is a good sentence with propel?

The jet engines help propel the airplane forward at incredible speeds.

Why does a reaction force exist in a airplane?

A reaction force exists in an airplane due to Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. As the airplane's engines thrust air backward, the plane experiences a forward reaction force that propels it forward.