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math can be related to sports by finding the batting average of a Baseball or softball player it is all percentage, and distance to the back. with football its yardage.

physics and be related in almost every sport the friction of the puck on the ice or the push pull in a football game. even finding the exact spot a football/or baseball will fall after it is thrown using the velocity and angle of the throw

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How does math relate to physics?

math relates to everything you need math to get jobs. In physics, math is used to describe the physical word, for example math is used to determine force, energy, acceleration, and just about anything in physics.

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Of course not. Certainly, you won't be bad at physics or engineering BECAUSE OF your math skills. You NEED math for physics, and both math and physics for engineering, so somebody who is not good at math is more likely to have trouble with physics or engineering.

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No; it is usually the other way round: math is used in physics.

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You'll certainly not have difficulty in physics and engineering BECAUSE you are good at math or economics; math, especially, is important in physics.

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Mathematics is the language of physics. You cannot do well in physics unless you can handle the math. If you are excellent at math, you have a better chance of being very good or excellent in physics, too.

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No, where do you get such weird ideas? You NEED math for physics and engineering!

Is it true that if you are good at math you will have problems with physics?

No, that's ridiculous, physics involves math - as do most sciences.

Can you learn math through physics?

No, but you can use physics to show students practical applications to the math that they are learning

Are you bad at physics if you are good at mathematics?

No. A lot of physic has to do with equations and math. Physics will be easier if you are good at math. I was for me :)