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Q: How do mean and median compliment each other?
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What does harmony mean in art?

When things look good together or compliment each other well.

What number has a range of 5a median of 16 and a mean of 15?

A single number cannot have a range (other than 0), nor can it have a median that is different from its mean. A single number cannot have a range (other than 0), nor can it have a median that is different from its mean. A single number cannot have a range (other than 0), nor can it have a median that is different from its mean. A single number cannot have a range (other than 0), nor can it have a median that is different from its mean.

What is the mean median and mode and range of 3456 560 435 456?

The mean is 1226.75. The median is 508. There is no mode, as each number is different.

What does mean mode and median have in common?

They all describe data set or data sets,hey tell you how far apart they are from each other.

What does it mean if a girl says you're her best friend and calls you cute?

It means you're her best friend. Friends compliment each other all the time.

How does subtracting the same amount from each value in a data set affect the mean median mode and range?

The mean, the median, the mode and the upper and lower limits of the range would each be reduced by the amount subtracted.

How do mean deviation from median?

The mean deviation from the median is equal to the mean minus the median.

Is the mean influenced more than the median by a few extreme scores at one end of the distribution?

Yes. The mean uses the actual value of each observation. The value(s) of only the middle observation (or pair of middle observations) is required for the median. For all other observations, the median is concerned only with whether it is larger or smaller than it is.

What percentage of a normal distribution is within 2 standard deviations of the mean?

I believe the standard deviations are measured from the median, not the mean.1 Standard Deviation is 34% each side of median, so that is 68% total.2 Standard Deviations is 48% each side of median, so that is 96% total.

What is the mean median and mode of 3456 560 435 456?

The mean is 1226.75. The median is 508. There is no mode as no number occurs more than any other.

Are the median and the mean always the same value?

No, not necessarily. They each measure central tendency but in different ways. The mean measures the average of all of the scores while the mean is the middle score. In a normal distribution the median and mean must be equal. In other data sets, they may or may not be equal. For example, the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10} has a mean of 28/7 = 4 and a median of 3.

When the lower 50 percent of data has greater range the mean will be what to the median?

Whatever you like. The median value for each of the following three sets is 10. For the set {1, 9, 11, 12}. the mean is 8.25, smaller than the median. For the set {1, 9, 15, 15}. the mean is 10, the same as the median. For the set {1, 9, 15, 16}. the mean is 10.25, larger than the median.