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Q: How do myths impact daily life?
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Question is not clear. Which religion, and when?

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they provide us energy for ou daily activities of life. bcz carbohydrates are the instant source of energy..

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Look in your Geography Textbook to find out.

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They explain daily life in the greek world or even myths like the gods.

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Without combustion,we can't cook food.

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Being a mom affects daily life and decision-making by prioritizing the needs of children and balancing responsibilities with personal goals.

How are Chinese myths a part of Chinese life?

The biggest myths should be the Chinese Dragon.It is well received by 1.3 billion Chinese and has penetrated in their daily lives.All of them believe they are the heir of this peaceful and fortunate dragon (quite unlike the western dragon). And then the Yellow Emperor, or Huang Di.Be it a myth or true person in the primitive ancient time,the Chinese people see themselves the descendant of this most great personality. Both above myths are beheld in Chinese folk tales,paintings,poems and even daily proses and chats. They have very great impact on Chinese life. In daily lives,wearing Chinese dragon decorated (stitched or inked) clothes may be the favorite of some Chinese people.Other utilities and gadgets are often blended in the same way.

How does it impact your current country?

it doesn't impact us in a good impacts us in an amazing's like a part of our daily life!