

How do outcomes occur at random?

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: How do outcomes occur at random?
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How many outcomes can you get if you make seven number random phone numbers?

The answer depends on what you are measuring. The random variable could be:whether or not the phone rings (27 = 128 outcomes)whether or not the phone is answered (128 outcomes)whether a male or female answers (37 = 2187 outcomes - including no answer).Other variables will generate other outcomes.

What the deference between variable and variate?

A random variate is a particular outcome of a random variable: the random variates which are other outcomes of the same random variable would have different values.

What is the definition of a random event in Math?

Random events are events that do not have a determined outcome. The set of possible outcomes for a random event is always greater than one item.

What is the mathematical definition of random?

There are a number of definitions. In mathematics, it depends on the context that the word is used. One definition is for a "random event" where all outcomes are equally likely to occur. A random selection of lottery numbers means that in the long run, no one number is likely to occur more than another one. Random events are typically considered independent random events, in that one event can not affect the outcome of another one. A "random variable" means that the probability of any value occurring corresponds to a given probability distribution function. There is a common use of random, which means to act without a plan. See related link

What is definition of a simulation in statistics?

a way to model random events, such that simulated outcomes closely match real-world outcomes. By observing simulated outcomes, researchers gain insight on the real world.

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What is the definition of random change?

Random change refers to a process where outcomes occur without any pattern or predictability. It is characterized by uncertainty and lack of control over the direction or magnitude of the change. Random change can occur in various aspects of life, such as genetics, behavior, or environmental factors.

Will Random sample always accurately predict the outcomes of an entire population?

No. Only a census can ACCURATELY predict the outcomes: a random sample cannot.

What is the likelihood or chance that a specific outcome will occur out of a total number of outcomes will occur out of a total number of outcomes?

Its probability.

What is the difference between random variable and random variate?

Random variables is a function that can produce outcomes with different probability and random variates is the particular outcome of a random variable.

How many outcomes can you get if you make seven number random phone numbers?

The answer depends on what you are measuring. The random variable could be:whether or not the phone rings (27 = 128 outcomes)whether or not the phone is answered (128 outcomes)whether a male or female answers (37 = 2187 outcomes - including no answer).Other variables will generate other outcomes.

It is a set of all posssible outcomes of a random experiment?

The outcome.

What the deference between variable and variate?

A random variate is a particular outcome of a random variable: the random variates which are other outcomes of the same random variable would have different values.

What is the definition of a random event in Math?

Random events are events that do not have a determined outcome. The set of possible outcomes for a random event is always greater than one item.

What is the mathematical definition of random?

There are a number of definitions. In mathematics, it depends on the context that the word is used. One definition is for a "random event" where all outcomes are equally likely to occur. A random selection of lottery numbers means that in the long run, no one number is likely to occur more than another one. Random events are typically considered independent random events, in that one event can not affect the outcome of another one. A "random variable" means that the probability of any value occurring corresponds to a given probability distribution function. There is a common use of random, which means to act without a plan. See related link

What is definition of a simulation in statistics?

a way to model random events, such that simulated outcomes closely match real-world outcomes. By observing simulated outcomes, researchers gain insight on the real world.

What is casino games?

Games available in most casinos are commonly called casino games. In a casino game, the players gamble cash or casino chips on various possible random outcomes

What is bernoulli's experiment?

A Bernoulli experiment is a random experiment with only two possible outcomes, typically referred to as success and failure. These outcomes must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive, meaning that one and only one of the outcomes must occur. These experiments are often used in probability theory to model various real-world situations.