people usually use logic in math and math in logic
This will depend upon the type of job a person does or what type of life they lead. People use math and do not even know it, such as in the grocery store and while balancing their check book.
Well you could use it anywhere for everything for example numbers are part math right? Well when you want to call someone you need to use numbers to call them!
People use powers in math because it is easier to write 2 to the power of 10 than writing 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2.
it i a not good sign. but it is an algebra letter. people likes to use it for math.
If he wants to keep track of the people who are good tippers, maybe.
people usually use logic in math and math in logic
They use Greek symbols in math since Greek mathematicians invented math.
by going to schoola nd learning math
people use math when they are at work measuring something or trying to work out the time or at school
There are multiple amounts of ways to relate track to math. You have to take into consideration the amount of meters you have to run and calculate the distance till complition. You also have to determine your splits and pace. Finally you can use math to help determine the speed in which you are running.
Keeping goals
When they give people tickets.
you always use math in your life weather you are adding , subtracting , multipling or dividing you are always using math ! there is not a day that goes by that people dont use math !
An occupational therapist can use math in a variety of ways. They may keep track of the time a person spends in therapy, keep a balance of what is owed, or checking to see what the improvement was in a patient's range of motion.
In the same way as when out of school
They Don't.