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If you look at some physics textbook, you will see that many of the natural laws can be described very well with mathematical relations - whether it be kinematics, dynamics, electricity, magnetism, thermodynamics, etc. The relations are sometimes simple, sometimes rather complex (advanced physics textbooks will use calculus - i.e., derivatives, integrals, etc. - all over the place).

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Q: How do physics and math go together?
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it is the study of math and and chemistry put together

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They should not be difficult for you. You can also look into just math as a major or take chem and physics together before you make up your mind.

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yes a math teacher can teach physics

Are you bad at physics and engineering if you are good at mathematics?

Of course not. Certainly, you won't be bad at physics or engineering BECAUSE OF your math skills. You NEED math for physics, and both math and physics for engineering, so somebody who is not good at math is more likely to have trouble with physics or engineering.

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No; it is usually the other way round: math is used in physics.

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You'll certainly not have difficulty in physics and engineering BECAUSE you are good at math or economics; math, especially, is important in physics.

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Physics. basic physics.

What does being excellent at math have to do with doing well in physics?

Mathematics is the language of physics. You cannot do well in physics unless you can handle the math. If you are excellent at math, you have a better chance of being very good or excellent in physics, too.

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Learn Physics or Mathematics at school and University and go on to do postgraduate research in these subjects.

Is it true that if you are good at math you will have difficulty with physics and engineering?

No, where do you get such weird ideas? You NEED math for physics and engineering!