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snails slide on there foot using a sticky mucus to travel it may take a long time depending on where they are going.

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Q: How do snails travel from place to place?
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The birds appear to spread the snails they have eaten via excrement, allowing the mollusks to travel much greater distances than they could crawling on their own

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How fast garden snails can it travel?

very slowly =]

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How do snails travel over dry and wet surfaces?

easy because they are slimy.

Where does the snails live?

Live like other small creatures.

How did snails get in your garden?

That's their habitat, they come up from the ground to fertilize the soil. that's normally the place you find snails and slugs and worms.

How do snails migrate?

Slowly, very slowly. In reality, snails don't migrate. They're too slow to be able to travel any important distances. If needed, many snails have methods to hibernate if it gets too dry or if food runs low.

How do newts travel?

Yes they travel from place to place

Do snails travel faster uphill or downhill?

Honestly I don't have any facts to back this up. but I believe that snails travel faster downhill due to the fact that gravity is assisting them. Considering the method of which they travel ( by sliding over slime ) I would think you could move faster downhill as you would not have to push against gravity to move up.

What type of home does your snails live in for protection?

Snails can live in lots of different places, but the most popular place is soil because it provides food and it's damp!!

How did the ancient Romans fatten up snails before they were killed?

The ancient Romans fattened up snails before they were killed by keeping them in a bowl of blood. The snails drank the blood until they were too fat to fit in their shells. The ancient Romans considered that the snails' blood diet made them taste nice. They sometimes, in place of blood, fed snails on milk before eating them.