

How many miles travel a snail?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: How many miles travel a snail?
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How many feet will the snail travel in 20 minutes if the snail travels 0.03 miles in 1 hour.?


How far can the fastest snail travel in an hour?

The garden snail is the fastest land snail. It can travel at a speed of 0.03 miles per hour. Snails are gastropods that move by crawling on a single foot.

What object travel 80 miles in three years?

Probably a slug or snail

How long would it take for a snail to travel 874 miles?

Snails move at a very slow pace, typically covering a few centimeters per second. It would likely take a snail an extremely long time to travel 874 miles, possibly several years. Snails' slow speed makes them ill-suited for long-distance travel.

How long will it take to travel 10 miles?

10 years, if you're riding a snail. (How about telling us the speed?)

How many kilometers does a snail travel per hour?

1 kilometer

How does a snail travel in one minutes?

I think that a snail could travel 1 inc

How do you know if the snail is a boy or girl?

A snail is both male and female, so it can mate with the first snail it meets on its travel.

How long does it take for a snail to travel 150 miles?

That cannot be calculated without knowing the average speed over that distance.

How many feet does a snail travel in one hour?

around 11.8 feet

How many miles per hour does a Snail crawl?

0.03 mph

How long would a snail take to travel from john o groats to lands end?

A snail can travel at a speed of around 0.03 miles per hour. The distance from John O'Groats to Land's End is approximately 874 miles. Therefore, it would take a snail around 29,133 hours or roughly 1,214 days to make the journey.