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To see how long there stamina is,the can run around without water and to see how long they need to train for.

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Q: How do soccer players use math?
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How soccer players use soccer?

soccer is boring

What do the soccer players use to kick the ball?

They use soccer cleats.

What sports use the number eleven?

Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.

What gear do soccer players use?

soccer ball, jersey,socks,

What math classes are required in professional soccer?

they use math when they are in the field and they kicking angle

How does math and science relate to soccer?

You probally have to use math in soccer to find out the angle that you kick the ball to the net so that the goalie doesn't catch the ball. I don't know why we use science in soccer.

What soccer skill is employed only by the goalkeeper?

catching the soccer ball because forfield players they aren't aloud to use their hands and arms, so yeah the skill they use that other players don't use is catching the soccer ball.

Do I need math to play Soccer?

It can be argued that you DO need to use math to play soccer. For example, it is important to know angles for passing and shooting.

What is some equipment dose soccer players use?

they use soccer cleats shin pads and a ball plus the uniform.

Why do you use math in soccer?

So that you don't have to do your HW when you get home.

How does basketball players use math?

by calculating their plays.

Why do soccer players use drugs?

To try and improve there strength and stamina